Here are little Hebrew trivia for you. Did you know that salmon is named after King Solomon of both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament? The Hebrew spelling of “King Solomon” is actually שַׂלְמוֹן Śalmōn or Śalmāh in the Hebrew:שַׂלְמָה or Śalmāh in the Greek: σαλμων I fell in love with Vivi’s salmon recipe the first time I tasted …
Oven Baked Salmon with Lemon and Garlic Butter
Oven baked salmon with Lemon and Garlic Butter is my go-to recipe for those times when I want a delicious piece of fish without re-inventing the wheel. I created this recipe with ingredients found in most pantries to make it accessible when there is no time to shop for specialty ingredients. Salmon is a versatile fish that adapts well with …