Here are little Hebrew trivia for you. Did you know that salmon is named after King Solomon of both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament? The Hebrew spelling of “King Solomon” is actually שַׂלְמוֹן Śalmōn or Śalmāh in the Hebrew:שַׂלְמָה or Śalmāh in the Greek: σαλμων I fell in love with Vivi’s salmon recipe the first time I tasted …
Tropical Collagen Smoothie
Collagen Peptides are all the rage in the food blogger sphere, incorporating this powerful anti-aging powder in everything from smoothies to soups and more. In my opinion, collagen powder is a gift from above for those who want to rebuild and improve the skin’s appearance. Amen to that! One of my favorite ways to consume collagen is in smoothies. The …