Jamaican Coconut Bread with Tropical Cream Cheese Dip

In Food Around The World, Recipes | Delicious and Quick Recipes for Real Food by Lisa Soldo-JohnsonLeave a Comment

Once in a while, an unexpected combination of ingredients creates pure decadence. Jamaican coconut bread with tropical cream cheese dip is that unexpected recipe. You wouldn’t guess it by looking at the photograph, but one bite in and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. After returning from Jamaica last year, it inspired me to get creative in the kitchen.  …

Israeli Cheese Bourekas

In Food Around The World, Recipes | Delicious and Quick Recipes for Real Food by Lisa Soldo-Johnson2 Comments

Who can resist a freshly baked puff pastry filled with all kinds of yumminess? Definitely not me. I confirmed my weakness when I tasted, my friend, Vivi’s cheese filled Bourekas. After one bite I was hooked. Bourekas are delicious, breaded hand pies that originated in the Middle East. Israeli cuisine is famous for making some of the most delightful bourekas …